This meeting was held in the Queen Anne style home of Dann and Nancy Farquhar, 806 W Highland Ave. Fourteen members and two guests were in attendance for the meeting.  
Roadside cleanup will take place on Sunday, April 26, at 10:00 am.  Stay tuned for more information and a reminder to follow.  Just may be that Roy will rustle up some brunch for the hungry workers!
City garden update:  ABODE planted perennials last spring and bulbs in the fall in the garden at the Rovelstad statue.  Paul checked this week, but nothing is up yet.  He will check again to see when weeding is needed.  If we want to plant more, Lou can contact Greg from the city.  We’ll ask Lou to check with him to see if he would come speak at one of our meetings.
Karen gave the treasurer’s report.  We have $2034.08.  Insurance has already been paid.  There will be grant money to be paid pending project completion.
The Ebys passed around pictures of their granted rehab project.  They removed a bookcase/cabinet from in front of an original window and had the wall and window rebuilt by Mark Kelly.  
The Fox Trot is approaching on Saturday, May 23.  We will need people to man the water station and sell DQ at the finish line area.  The first race kicks off at 7:30; races usually wrap up about 10:30.  Please let Jen know if you are able to participate.
Farquhars extended an invitation to attend the debut of Project 231 at the Blizzard Theater at ECC on Sunday, April 26.  If you plan to attend, contact the museum at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .  The film begins at 3:30; seating opens at 3:15.
John proposed an idea for fundraising with a calendar of sketches of historic homes in Elgin as the Dundee Historical Society has done in the past.  Curt will ask Jen to check on prices with the person who did their home sketches.  If sketches are too costly, perhaps photos would work.  Someone will need to check on printing costs.  John also suggested that perhaps we could take pre-orders at the house walk.  There was some concern voiced about using dated items for selling; leftover ornament project was given as an example.
The Farquhars have redone one of the bedrooms since the ABODE progressive holiday dinner.  Nancy and Dann gave newcomers a home tour and showed the completed bedroom floor to us all.  Nancy also spoke from her mother’s antique lollipop rocker as she recapped her mission trip to Ghana to help set up a school library there.  They were a very giving, welcoming community.
There was some discussion of the bowling event, and flyers were distributed for members to distribute.  We were reminded to bring a dessert to the bowling event and to be looking for items and opportunities for the raffle/silent auction.  Everyone needs to be in touch with Jen about how we’re doing on this.
The next meeting will be at the home of Karen and Bill Mathews, 465 Oakhill Rd., Elgin.  The date will be Tuesday, May 12, 7:30 pm.  
The June meeting may be at the Ebys pending the availability of an off-site dog sitter!


Meeting was adjourned, and eating commenced highlighted by Moosetrack Cheesecake.  Thank you for hosting, Dann and Nancy!